IDJC Resettlement Optional Relocation Assistance Program

The Isle de Jean Charles Resettlement Optional Relocation Assistance Program offers eligible current permanent, primary IDJC residents and former IDJC households that have been displaced from IDJC since August 28, 2012 (the initial Louisiana landfall date of Hurricane Isaac) with assistance toward securing safe interim housing while permanent resettlement housing solutions are designed and constructed.

The program is a needs-based, voluntary program intended to help fulfill two main goals of the overarching IDJC Resettlement Program: “The provision of housing, for all income groups, that is disaster resistant, including transitional housing” and to “minimize displacement of persons or entities, and assist any persons or entities displaced.”

The Optional Relocation Assistance Program will be administered by the Louisiana Housing Authority or their designated third party administrator in coordination with the Louisiana Office of Community Development – Disaster Recovery Unit. The program is being conducted as part of fulfilling the aims of the State of Louisiana’s National Disaster Resilience award.



Participation Agreement

Authorization for Release of Information


Appeals Process