In the News

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The news outlet links below represent many viewpoints, aggregated here for reference purposes only. The Louisiana Office of Community Development makes no claim as to the veracity or accuracy of any views contained herein.

If you are a member of the media, please contact Marvin McGraw and indicate your name, news outlet, contact information and deadline.

Marvin McGraw

when is it time to retreat from climate change?

By: Michelle Nijhuis

Date: 03/27/2017

Isle de Jean Charles, a stitch of land on the tattered southern fringe of Louisiana, is thin and getting thinner. Battered by storms and sea-level rise, and deprived of revitilizing sediment from the Mississippi River, its surface area has shrunk by ninety-eight percent since 1955, and its remaining three hundred and twenty acres can flood in...

America gets its first group of climate refugees

By: Kai Ryssdal

Date: 02/01/2017

America has its political refugees and its economic refugees. And now, for the first time, it has climate refugees.

The people of Isle de Jean Charles aren't the country's first climate refugees

By: Bob Marshall

Date: 12/06/2016

Isle de Jean Charles is endangered for the same reasons that much of coastal Louisiana has become part of the Gulf of Mexico: The land is sinking, river levees are preventing it from being replenished, oil and gas drilling accelerated erosion--and on top of that, seas are rising.  

Leaving Paradise

By: Katy Reckdahl

Date: 11/07/2016

Thanks to a federal grant that made them the nation’s first “climate refugees,” the people of Isle de Jean Charles will be given a chance to move to higher ground, away from the rising water that threatens their two-century-old Gulf Coast community. But residents say that they only feel at home when they are near water and family...

Washed Away

By: Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson

Date: 10/16/2016

A small Louisiana community is part of a groundbreaking project to relocate together at taxpayer expense

How Louisiana Is Relocating a Community Threatened by Climate Change

By: Patrick Sisson

Date: 09/29/2016

Isle de Jean Charles, Louisiana, a small coastal island in the Gulf of Mexico, is currently the site of a far-reaching experiment that may shape how the government, at every level, thinks about one of the looming issues of climate change: resettlement.

Stay or go? Isle de Jean Charles families wrestle with the sea

By: Ted Jackson

Date: 09/13/2016

The message scrawled on the whitewashed plywood sign was clear, even if it was only one man's perspective: "We are not moving off this island. If some people want to move, they can go. But leave us alone." It was signed, "Edison Jr."

Relocating Coastal Tribe Indicates Future Challenges For Louisiana

By: Tegan Wendland

Date: 09/07/2016

Sea level rise and land loss is affecting communities all over the world, not just in Louisiana. But Louisiana has one of the first communities that will be entirely resettled as a result: the Isle de Jean Charles.

Isle De Jean Charles: Louisiana Community To Be Climate Change Refugees

By: Hannah Thomas-Peter, US Correspondent

Date: 08/30/2016

A US community is given a government grant to leave, as climate change is helping to make their homes unlivable
